Adapted solutions option 1
Adapted solutions

INNOVAGRO consultants analyze with you the conditions of conception and realization of your project.

Innovative solutions option 2
Innovative solutions

INNOVAGRO consultants help you to optimize your innovation capacity.

Sustainable solutions option 2
Sustainable solutions

INNOVAGRO consultants will monitor your project to ensure that your economic, social and environmental benefits are realized.

Jean Marie Niget agronome fondateur

Jean-Marie Niget

Agronomist, founder

Photo : AQPER

Before founding INNOVAGRO consultants in 2000, Jean-Marie Niget acquired, since 1980, a solid international professional experience and a recognized expertise in Canada, but also in France as well as in Africa and the Middle East in the conception and management of ambitious agricultural and agri-food projects.

His activities have led him to draw up diagnostic reports, produce development master plans and project feasibility studies, and to manage major development projects and SMEs. This "double culture" has given Jean-Marie Niget a particular sensitivity to entrepreneurship in all its forms. His interventions are systematically aimed at consolidating companies, whatever their size, ensuring their sustainability and making them more competitive in increasingly open markets by relying heavily on the wealth of human resources, internal R&D capabilities and strategic partnership opportunities, at whatever level.

Jean-Marie Niget holds a degree in agricultural engineering from the National School of Agronomy and Food Industries in Nancy (France) as well as a Diploma in Advanced Agronomy – Animal Productions Mention Halieutique from the National School of Agronomy of Rennes (France). Jean-Marie Niget is a member of the Order of Agronomists of Quebec – OAQ (n° 7256).

INNOVAGRO consultants inc. is recognized for its seriousness and professionalism and, as such, has concluded privileged agreements of mutual collaboration with SOL-AIR Consultants inc. SOL-AIR Consultants inc. et avec TETRA TECH.

We are INNOVAGRO consultants

40 years of experience that you can count on.